Guidelines for installing wood/Cork flooring on subfloors with underfloor heating:

Guidelines for installing wood flooring on subfloors with underfloor heating: Before floor laying begins, the following procedure should be followed. Once the screed is dry to a maximum level of 75% RH, or 65% RH for floors directly bonded to the screed, the underfloor heating should be commissioned in accordance with the underfloor heating manufacturers guidelines where available. Where no guidelines are indicated the following protocol should be followed: a) Heating up The flow temperature should be heated, with daily increments made of 10 degrees. For example:

Where no guidelines are indicated the following protocol should be followed: a) Heating up The flow temperature should be heated, with daily increments made of 10 degrees. For example: 1)

Day 1: 20 ºC 2)

Day 2: 30 ºC 3)

Day 3: 40 ºC 4)

Day 4: 50 ºC or the maximum temperature, if lower. This should be maintained for a minimum of 7 days. b) Cooling Down The flow temperature should be cooled, with daily reductions of 10 degrees. For example: 1)

Day 12: 40 ºC 2)

Day 13: 30 ºC 3)

Day 14: 20 ºC 4)

Day 15: The underfloor heating should be turned down to a low temperature. When installing timber onto the subfloor the surface must not exceed 18 °C. During the use of underfloor heating the surface must not exceed 27 °C.